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The Wellys


Wednesday March 27th 2024, The Embassy, Kent Terrace Wellington

     5.15 - 6.00pm Pre-Drinks & Nibbles 
     6.00 - 7.40pm The 2023 Welly Awards
     7.40 - 9.00pm Supper, Dessert & Drinks
     9.00 late: AfterParty @ Lulu Bar - 31 Courtenay Place
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TICKETS $80 plus GST
These prices include a light snack and drinks pre-show and after-show.

DRESS  Casual/Business

Email Gayle at Agenda 
or call  027 208 8780
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Public Nominations Open:  December 2023

Public Nominations Closed:  January 2024

2023 Finalists Announced: 26 February (in The Post and on this website)

2023 Wellys Awards Night: Wednesday March 27th 2024, The Embassy Theatre, Kent Terrace from 5.00pm


The Wellingtonian of the Year Awards were started in 1989 to celebrate achievements and contributions across all sectors of the greater Wellington community, awarding those who make the Wellington region the exciting and vibrant place it is.

Now endearingly known as The Wellys, the awards night celebrates these people across 10 categories, with one overall Welly Recipient recognised as the supreme winner - The Post (year) Wellingtonian of the Year.

There have been some truly outstanding recipients over the years, starting with Gloria Grattan in 1989 for her work as a launch fundraiser for Mary Potter Hospice. 

Other winners include lawyer Steph Dyhrberg, Sir Richard Taylor, Dane Coles, Steven Adams, Sir Des Britten, Sir Roy McKenzie, Dame Kate Harcourt, Sir Peter Jackson, Sir Jon Trimmer, Suzanne Snively, Steve Logan & Al Brown, Jemaine Clement & Bret McKenzie of Flight of the Conchords fame. 

The 2022 Wellingtonian of the Year was Ralph Highnam, the founder of an internationally successful business screening millions of women for breast cancer across the world. Ralph is both a very accomplished scientist and businessperson. 

There are 10 Categories:

  Arts     Business     Community Service      Education      Environment     

• Heritage   •  Public Service     Science & Technology    Sport     Youth


Over the one-month campaign, Nominations are sought from the public across these 10 Categories.

The Finalists are announced mid February and then profiled throughout February & March in The Post. 

This all culminates in the Wellingtonian of the Year Awards attended by many local luminaries and past recipients.

What family has been nominated for the most Wellys - 4 altogether? 


ANSWER: The Harcourt-McKenzie Family

Matriarch Kate Harcourt won the 1997 DominionPost Wellingtonian of the Year.

Daughter Miranda Harcourt was nominated for the Arts Welly in 2017

Grandson Peter McKenzie was nominated for the Youth Welly in 2017

Granddaughter Thomasin Harcourt-McKenzie won the Youth Welly in 2018




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